Summer Reading
Students Entering Kindergarten through 6th Grade
You are required to read three books from your grade-level list. You must read the nonfiction selection and you can choose any two fiction books from the five fiction titles on the posted list.
Complete three copies of your grade-level assignment, one for each book.
Write the assignment with your own original work. Do not copy summaries or reviews from AR Bookfinder,,, the book’s front/back cover or dust jacket, etc.
Summer reading reports should be turned in to your new homeroom teacher or literature teacher by Friday, August 23, 2024.
Students Entering 7th & 8th Grade
MANDATORY NOVEL: 7th grade students, read the nonfiction novel Chasing King’s Killer by James Swanson. 8th grade students, read the nonfiction novel Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by James Swanson. Students will take a test the first week of school on their novel and this test grade will go into PlusPortals.
All 7th and 8th grade students, choose a second novel for summer reading from the posted list. Students will create and present a movie trailer on their selected novel, using iMovie on their SCS iPads, within the first two weeks of school.