Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival Procedures
Drivers are asked to follow the traffic pattern and the directives of BSO and the SCS faculty and staff. Those entering the parking lot on the south side are to leave from the south exit. Those entering from the north side are to leave by the north exit. No students are to be dropped off or picked up on SE 12th Street. Your cooperation is needed for the safety of all.
Traffic will form a single lane and, when cars are stopped, a staff member will meet your child(ren) at the car. We are not using the PikMyKid App for student Check In at this time. Students exit the car, enter the school through the center gates, and proceed to the handwashing station closest to their classroom before joining their teacher and classmates. Walking children to their classrooms is not permitted.
Morning Arrival for ALL students is from 7:30am to 7:55am. Students not present in homeroom by 7:55am are Tardy.
Please do not drop off your child(ren) prior to 7:30am. There is no supervision in the parking lot prior to car line.

Dismissal Procedures
Drivers are asked to follow the traffic pattern and the directives of BSO and the SCS faculty and staff. Those entering the parking lot on the south side are to leave from the south exit. Those entering from the north side are to leave by the north exit. No students are to be dropped off or picked up on SE 12th Street. Your cooperation is needed for the safety of all.
ALL dismissal will be via car line, even on rainy days. PreK will dismiss from the Pre-K building. K-8 will dismiss from the parking lot, similar to drop off. K-4 students and siblings/carpools carlines loop to the north (office) gate canopy. 5-8 students and siblings/carpools carline loops in front of the south (junior high) gate canopy.
Requests for a child to go to various places or with someone other than the parent/guardian, to walk/ride a bike home, etc. need to be delegated and authorized by the parent/guardian in the PikMyKid app. Unauthorized requests will not be granted.
On regular school days, dismissal for students in PreK-2nd grade only with NO older siblings begins at 2:40pm. You may begin announcing at 2:30pm. Dismissal for all other students in carline begins at 2:50pm. You may begin announcing at 2:40pm. If you are arriving for 2:50pm dismissal, please do not enter the carline before you can begin announcing at 2:40; this will allow the earlier group a chance to move out and you will not back up off our property. Thank you.
- For everyone’s safety, please DO NOT call or text with your child while he/she is waiting for carline.
- At the end of the school day the student may retrieve his/her phone from their teacher. Students need to return the phone to their bag/backpack and MAY NOT use the device during dismissal/aftercare.
- Please follow PikMyKid and the directions of the faculty/staff. Middle School students may only walk to out to the parking lot once a faculty/staff member has dismissed them to a car in the 5-8 Loading Zone via the PikMyKid app.