Mission and Beliefs
Mission Statement
The parish and school community of Saint Coleman join together to provide students moral guidance and learning in a safe, Christ-centered, and academically challenging environment based on the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith.
Our Beliefs
- We believe that each student should be recognized and valued as a unique child of God in his/her spiritual, academic, emotional, and social development.
- We believe that a healthy, safe, and comfortable learning environment promotes success and is the responsibility of the parish and school communities.
- We believe that student learning is a priority aided by an improving and evolving curriculum, based on core Catholic values.
- We believe that Catholic education is an integral part of the Church's mission to proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus, to build faith communities, to celebrate through worship and traditions, and to serve others without distinction.
- We believe that mutual respect among and between students, pastor and clergy, principal and administration, faculty and staff, parents, and members of the parish is a shared responsibility for the success of the St. Coleman community.
- We believe that increasing students' awareness of cultural diversity will encourage them to become socially responsible and active citizens.
- We believe that Catholic education serves to instill in students an understanding that living a moral life is a pathway to eternal life.