Our PreKindergarten program is a faith-based school readiness program that prepares its students for success in kindergarten and later grades. The program is open to all children who are three years old by September 1 of the school year for the PK-3 program and four years old by September 1 of the school for the PK-4 program.

PreKindergarten utilizes age- and developmentally-appropriate activities with an emphasis on religion, literacy, small and large motor skills, and knowledge skill. Through prayer, peer interaction, thematic units and play, we encourage our students to be ready for the challenges of Kindergarten and beyond. Students are exposed to the following areas.
- Faith-based religious themes
- Mass attendance
- Thematic academic units
- Activities that engage in peer interaction and socialization
- Letter recognition
- Oral/Written expression activities
- Numbers/Colors/Shapes
- Teacher directed small & large group circle time activities
- Poems and nursery rhymes
- Technology
- Health & Manners
- Outdoor play
- Music & Movement
- Rest time